
Never Eat Alone
**Author: Keith Ferrazzi**
This bestselling business classic is on how to expand your network in your profession and advance towards your life goals. Author discovered in early life that what distinguishes highly successful people from everyone else is the way they use the power of relationships—so that everyone wins. Many insightful networking tips and advice on developing communication skills.
The Tipping Point
**Author: Malcolm Gladwell **
Tipping point is the moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire and becomes a sensation to the world. Gladwell beautifully shares how ideas/epidemics spread through three rules- The Law of the Few, The Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context and why three types of people- Mavens, Connectors, and Salesmen are needed.
**Author: John Wooden**
Wooden presents the timeless wisdom of legendary basketball coach John Wooden. An inspiring book of invaluable wisdom and great advice containing 54 of Wooden’s favorite maxims along with his personal philosophy on family, achievement, success, and excellence. John Wooden was the first to be enshrined as both a player and a coach in the Basketball Hall of Fame.
**Author: Jack Welch**
Learn how to become successful and move up the corporate ladder by learning from influential people. Welch describes his business philosophy to be founded on values, candor, voice and dignity for all. His mindset of no-excuse, optimism and get-it done speaks to you in every section of this valuable book. It takes the right attitude, effective strategies and board policies to be an influential leader.
Grit: The power of Passion and Perseverance
**Author: Angela Duckworth **
How to become successful and maintain it through effort & perseverance, which the author calls grit and gives roadmap on how to become gritty through a powerful blend of motivation, information and utilization of anecdotes which provide reader with a more impressionable effect. A must-read packed with self-reflection opportunities for young adults.
The New One Min Manager
**Author: Ken Blanchard**
The author introduces the principles of success in three powerful positive actions- One Minute Goals, One Minute Praising, One Minute Re-Directs. The techniques discussed here can potentially increase productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity in managers & business owners. The quotes and storylines are positive reinforcement for when the atmosphere turns negative and people need a refreshing perspective.
**Author: Malcolm Gladwell**
Gladwell investigates the lives of many successful people and shows how environmental factors and fortunate circumstances led to the realization of their potential. He examines individuals, systems, and stereotypes to provide the proper foundation for high achievement. The main thesis of the book is that success is an accumulation of advantages, coupled with the "10,000 hour rule."
The Power of Broke
**Author: Daymond John **
An easy yet powerful read with many anecdotes written by one of the stars of ABC’s Shark Tank show. The book is on how empty pockets, a tight budget, and a hunger for success can become your greatest competitive advantage because being broke helps you think out of the box and it allows you to be more creative and use your resources more efficiently and eventually make a meaningful mark.
Don't Worry; Make Money
**Author: Richard Carlson**
Just like his Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, Carlson exudes optimism and Zen in this book. He provides insights into spiritual and practical ways to create abundance and more fun in your life. His outlook on life from an optimal place of thinking big and dreaming big is contagious. Every chapter is short, profound, clear and crisp. Carlson has been considered one of the foremost experts in happiness & stress reduction in U.S.
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
**Author: Daniel Goleman**
Daniel Goleman's shares his insight into our “two minds”—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny. He discusses the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and elaborates on how they determine our success all spheres of life such as relationships, work, well being, and more.
Give & Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
**Author: Adam Grant**
Individual drivers of success such as passion, talent, luck, and hard work have been the focus of many professionals for a long time. Grant brings our attention to success being increasingly dependent on how we interact with others. You will learn the factors that helped some people rise to the top of the success ladder while others sink to the bottom.
Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges
**Author: Amy Cuddy**
Cuddy shares her insight and research on how physical presence impacts people’s level of confidence and energetic presence. Her TED talk on “Power Poses” is incredibly powerful and can be found in the video section of this site. Her simple and effective techniques teach us how to have our best performance during high-pressure moments.
Think and Grow Rich
**Author: Napoleon Hill**
Napoleon Hill explains his philosophy of success and his premise in this book is to help people become aware of the psychological obstacles that keep them from becoming wealthy and financially free and overcome these barriers systematically. He interviewed more than 500 of the most successful people in his era to identify the key parameters to their success and wealth. He sums up six steps to turn a desire for wealth into its financial equivalent.
How to Win Friends & Influence People
**Author: Dale Carnegie**
Carnegie shows us how to overcome conflict, seek understanding, and inspire people to open up to us. He shares fundamental techniques in handling people, making them like you, winning them to your way of thinking, changing them without arousing resentment, and influencing them. His simple principles will help you achieve your maximum potential in this competitive modern age.
Getting Things Done
**Author: David Allen**
Allen teaches the basics of time management in all areas of life. His methodology revolves around freeing up mental space and focusing on mega goals by systematically organizing your to-do list and prioritizing the tasks. His premise is that our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. His “two-minute rule” to manage an overflowing inbox is a great tool in today’s high demand professional arena. All of his methods revolve around stress-free performance.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
**Author: Stephen R.Covey**
Covery offers a comprehensive overview of timeless and universal principals in life such as dignity, integrity, and honesty, which propel us forward in all areas of our life. His introduction of a two-by-two matrix helps tremendously in prioritizing daily tasks into urgent, not urgent, important and not important. Learning how to put your to-do-list items into these four quadrants is a great tool in time management and achieving long-term goals.
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
**Author: Stephen R.Covey**
Building on the foundation of his book, 7 Habits, Covey shares his insight on how to go from effectiveness to greatness. He discusses the importance of building trust, finding our voice, inspiring others to find theirs and empower them in their own journey. To excel and thrive in “Knowledge Worker Age” as he puts it, we all have to move beyond effectiveness. This book is a great modern classic necessary for personal/professional growth and organizational success.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
**Author: Carol S. Dweck**
Dweck shines light on a simple belief that permeates every aspect of our lives and becomes the biggest differentiator between meeting our fullest potential versus a fraction of it. This belief has everything to do with the two types of mindset. A fixed mindset that comes from the belief that our characteristics are fixed. A growth mindset that comes form the belief that through effort and application, we all can develop our talents, intelligence, and personality.
The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success & Happiness
**Author: Jeff Olson**
Olson shows the power in daily practice of certain things that will propel you forward in your professional and personal life. Depending on where you are in your career path, those daily activities are different but will help you get results and have your dreams come true. Through the discipline and power of habit discussed here, you will achieve your goals.
Body of Work: Finding the Thread That Ties Your Story Together
**Author: Pamela Slim**
If you have multiple passions and not sure how to tie them together in your profession, Slim shows you how to use this gift and enrich your professional narrative. This is a great book for entrepreneurs with diverse interest. You will learn how to find the connection among your interests and use that to build your brand and sell your story powerfully.
I Could Do Anything if I Only Knew What it Was
**Author: Barbara Sher**
Sher helps you identify your interests, skills, and goals through a deep dive into your deepest heart’s desire. She helps you eliminate chronic negativity, get centered, hear your heart’s desire and create the life you want and deserve. The book is heavy on self-analysis and guides you in a profound personal journey that gives you inspiration and determination to follow what feels right in your core.
The Power of Habit
**Author: Charles Duhigg**
Duhigg explains how the road to success is paved with daily behavior tweaks and transforming habits. He refines a great deal of information into compelling narratives that help us identify and modify our habits. Understanding why habits exist and how they can be changed is the key to achieve our personal, professional, organizational, parenting, and heath goals. Practical and powerful through very simple and engaging narrative.
So Good They Can't Ignore You
**Author: Cal Newport**
Newport argues that mastery of a certain skill can lead to finding your passion, since the mastery of that skill can open doors and allow you to progress in your career. The author uncovers the strategies used by so many successful people in developing their compelling careers. His book is on the premise that passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something, not before.
Zero to One
**Author: Peter Thiel**
Thiel reveals the secrets of building and managing a game-changing business in his thought-provoking self-help book for entrepreneurs. He rebuts the argument that success is the result of built-in privilege. He refers to creation as a singular act that takes us from zero to one as opposed to copying a model that is already made which takes the world from one to n. He shares his insight on progress coming from monopoly not from competition.
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
**Author: Simon Sinek**
Sinek emphasizes on the importance of finding the “why” for everything we do. Both on personal and organizational level, it is crucial to examine the intention behind our doings and our goals and lead from that place. Losing sight on the “why” makes the “how” and the “what” meaningless whereas staying in alignment with the “why”, keep us focused and energizes us through challenges and obstacles that appear on our way.
Developing the Leader Within You
**Author: John C.Maxwell**
Maxwell describes the five characteristics that set leaders apart from mangers and shows how to develop influence, vision, value and motivation. One can be born with innate leadership traits but to stay on top, the characteristics have to be developed systematically. He differentiates between four levels of leadership: Leading Leader, Learned Leader, Latent Leader, and Limited Leader and helps us identify which one is closer to our style/level of leadership.
Lean In
**Author: Sheryl Sandberg**
In her controversial book, Sandberg discusses in details how women unintentionally undermine their progress in their career. She has stirred criticism for saying that women keep themselves from advancing because of the lack of self-confidence and occasional lack of drive. Her powerful book is a filled with personal vulnerability and anecdotes combined with research and statistics. A great read for professional women struggling with work/life balance.