
**Author: Michelle Obama**
Outstanding and thought-provoking autobiography. In Becoming Me, Becoming Us, Becoming More, Michelle Obama shares her life with humor, love, & honesty. Her interests, flaws & challenges in every aspect of life are beautifully weaved into each segment. You immediately get drawn into the captivating story line packed with her insight and wisdom. Compelling book of compassion, candor and compromise!
Whatever arises love that
**Author: Matt kahn**
A Love Revolution That Begins with You! This is a book to savor and treasure by every walk of life! A collection of powerful teachings and practices to ignite the spark of your highest potential by a globally recognized, highly regarded spiritual master. It offers a direct path to deep peace and a sense of connection. His words offer clarity, empathy, profound tenderness, and a catapult into living life fully and freely.
**Author: Susan Cain**
Fascinating mixture of research and anecdotes gearing towards the psychology and mindset of introverted individuals. Thriving in an extrovert-centered society and culture can be very hard for introverts at times. The book beautifully counters the misconceptions about introverts and empowers them by clarifying the meaning of being an introvert as they are not antisocial or inferior!
Tools of Titans
**Author: Timothy Ferriss**
The author interviewed more than 200 world-class performers, celebrities, athletes, and billionaires in his podcast. Subsequently he put together the tactics, routines, and habits of them into what he calls his ultimate notebook of high-leverage tools. You will learn about some ultra successful icons of our era and their secrets of success. The book is set up in three sections: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise each containing valuable insight and tremendous significance.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
**Author: Mark Manson**
The book offers great relief for past mistakes, what is perceived as failures and helps readers become less judgmental towards self and others. His advice is to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, stop running/avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness.
You are the one
**Author: Kute Blackson**
A bold adventure in finding purpose, discovering the real you, and loving life, self and others in its full capacity. "When you stop trying to get somewhere else and embrace where you are now, you realize that this moment is the most important moment of your life." Engaging throughout, Blackson provides wisdom and insight to purpose, love, life, and connection to self and others. You will be shaken, stirred, awakened and transformed by this well-written easy read.
The Alchemist
**Author: Paulo Coelho**
An international bestseller! Through a very simplistic tale and beautifully written allegory, Coelho talks about the journey of self-discovery. He introduces a new perspective for life and weaves valuable life lessons into the plot by using many metaphors and personifications. Profound, intriguing, timeless and mind blowing!
Rich Dad Poor Dad
**Author: Robert Kiyosaki**
Great stepping-stone to financial literacy and to remove money blocks. Author’s perspectives on money and investing fly in the face of conventional wisdom while they challenge and change the way you think about money. A great shift in your financial paradigm will occur regardless of where you are when you start reading it!
**Author: Neil Soggie**
Viktor Frankl revolutionized the field of psychotherapy with the inception of logotherapy. The author offers a compelling and comprehensive introduction to Frankl and his contribution to psychotherapy. The book paints a rich portrait of Frankl and an in-depth explanations of logotherapy’s key concepts, including dimensionalism, love, responsibility, and freedom of the will.
You Are the Placebo
**Author: Joe Dispenza**
Using quantum physics, psychology and neuroscience, Dispenza demystifies the placebo effect and discusses the power of belief. His teachings, though heavy on science, are very simple and easy to understand. The personal transformation that stems from changing beliefs/perceptions is quantifiable and illustrated through brain scans. The book shows how thoughts impact the quality of our life and how we can change our destiny by thought alone.
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
**Author: Don Miguel Ruiz**
Ruiz in this simple yet powerful read, helps us connect to our inner power by introducing four principles and simple tools that impact our overall level of happiness and freedom in life. He believes one needs a very strong will in order to adopt these four principals-but if one begins to live life with them, the transformation will be amazing. Repetition of these principles makes one the master.
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
**Author: Michael A. Singer**
This book transforms your relationship with yourself and the world. Singer helps readers identify the limitations created by their thoughts and the feelings associated with such thoughts, and shares his rich insight on how to move beyond those self-imposed boundaries. He introduces a universal road map to self-realization which consists of twelve steps discussed in details by author in this profound read.
Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life
**Author: Ken Robinson**
Robinson, in this practical fascinating guide, helps readers find their passion in life. This is a great companion book to his previous best selling book, The Element, inspiring and guiding readers towards the path of personal transformation, creativity and self-development. When in our element, we fulfill our highest potential and live our best lives. You will be given clear direction to find your own element and incorporate it into all aspects of your life.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
**Author: Jen Sincero**
Through many inspiring stories and personal anecdotes, Sincero helps readers identify the self-sabotaging beliefs and perceptions that have got in their way to achieve what they want. She provides simple practices and great advice on how to create the life we want and brings the urgency of doing it now to our attention. You Are a Badass kicks readers’ ass to take responsibility for what they can change in order to create the life they want and deserve.
Conversations with God
**Author: Neale Donald Walsch**
The trilogy requires an open mind and heart. While it has spoken to millions of souls in the world, it sure has provoked many others. “The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your ear - all these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you will invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there. Always and all ways.”
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
**Author: Elizabeth Gilbert**
Gilbert beautifully and candidly shares her insight and personal experience about inspiration and creativity. Her light hearted energy or as she puts it, the trickster in her, radiates in each page and resonates with the lightness that resides in all of us. She praises curiosity and encourages us to uncover the hidden treasure that lies within all of us and to live our life fully.
Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking
**Author: Malcolm Gladwell**
Gladwell, through several real-life-stories, talks about decision-making and how in the blink of an eye so much happens internally that we either stumble into a mistake or make a great decision. He introduces the art of thin-slicing and how it helps us tremendously in focusing on the critical factors that matter most in the decision making process.
The Compound Effect
**Author: Darren Hardy**
Hardy’s premise in this fascinating book is that the everyday decisions we make shape our destiny. He sees success in all spheres of life as the compounded effect of hard work and a series of daily decisions we make. Long lasting change is a function of daily good habits we implement in all areas of life, which gives us the momentum to propel forward. Small choices with consistency will result in radical difference over time.
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms
**Author: Vishen Lakhiani**
Lakhiani shares his insight with the readers on how to define success on your own terms by learning from the non-conformists of this era. The book discuses the power of human conditioning, habits, and beliefs that are passed on from prior generations and if remain unexamined, how they can take control of all aspects of life such as finance, parenting, relationships, career, etc.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
**Author: Brené Brown**
Brown brings our attention to how many of us are wound up between performing, pleasing and perfecting in our life and as a result, lose our power of wholehearted living. She uses ten guideposts on how we replace those three p’s with three c’s of compassion, connection, and courage. Releasing the desire to be perfect and embracing who we are results in immeasurable freedom and happiness.
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential
**Author: Caroline Myss**
Myss believes that the root cause of fatigue, anxiety, depression, and many other illnesses is the lost connection of human being with his purpose in life. Through using the theory of archetypes, Myss helps readers decipher their purpose if life or as she puts it, they Sacred Contract. Her work is profoundly rooted in Jung’s theories but explained in the simplest way to readers with no such background.
Freedom from the Known
**Author: Jiddu Krishnamurti**
Krishnamurti shows us how to transforms our lives by opening doors to the unknown by releasing ourselves from the tyranny of “the known”. His philosophy is to free ourselves from the beliefs and perceptions. An open mind that challenges the status quo finds the book refreshing and will be led to find the master within. Freeing ourselves from the thoughts and connecting to the energy that the present moment offers is the key to live a life of no anxiety, fear, and doubt.
Awaken the Giant Within
**Author: Tony Robbins**
Robbins shares his most effective strategies and tools for mastering our mind, body, and all aspects of life. In his step-by-step guide, Robbins helps readers find their higher purpose in life and harness all external forces that impacts their lives through mastery of their minds, management of their emotions and consistency of actions. He insists on adopting a vocabulary of success and avoiding self-sabotaging behavior that would derail us in our path to fulfillment and success.
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
**Author: Chip & Dan Heath**
Heaths share their insight on what makes some ideas stickier than others. These include the Velcro Theory of Memory, Creating curiosity gaps, Applying the human scale principle, and more. The success and failure stories shared in the book help readers identity what works and won’t work about their ideas and how to make them stick by making sure they have the six characteristics discussed in the book.
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
**Author: Eckhart Tolle**
Tolle take us on a self-discovery journey that ultimately leads to the discovery of truth and light. He introduces readers to the principles of enlightenment and how to free ourselves from the enemy of enlightenment: pain created by the mind. He helps us connect to our deepest essence, regain awareness of our being, and free ourselves from the pain created by our mind. Embracing the grace of the present moment instead of dwelling on past events and worrying about future ones is the premise of this powerful book.
Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: Staying Close to What Is Sacred
**Author: Mark Nepo**
Nepo, in this beautiful memoir, talks about the infinite ways we can listen to life’s messages. He believes listening is the doorway to everything that matters in life. His loss of hearing for a period of time in his life made him realize how many other mysterious and luminous ways of listening we can access. The book invites us to explore our life and ourselves and redefine everything based on the meaning we find for our existence.
Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing
**Author: Esther Hicks**
Hicks present the teachings of the nonphysical entity, Abraham, in all of her works. In this book, the reader understands how they can create a life of ongoing joy rather than sporadic periods of satisfaction and pleasure in between long dry spells of unfulfillment. This is attainable by balancing our energy while we set goals and focus on the end result and by allowance towards self, others, and the circumstances of life. The processes and concepts of the book are easily applicable in real life.